Centre for Coaching, London, UK
Established in 2001
Providing professional body accredited, approved & recognised training We use the zoom virtual training platform to deliver our programmes

What is accreditation?
It is important to recognise the difference between a course being accredited, approved or recognised, and a practitioner being accredited. Taking an accredited/approved/recognised training course does not of itself necessarily lead to the person taking it being accredited.
Being accredited as a coach or coaching psychologist by a professional body is really about the degree to which you have demonstrated to them that you have sufficient and appropriate training, have practiced and delivered sufficient coaching, have been individually supervised for your coaching by a suitably trained and experienced coaching or coaching psychology supervisor and had on-going continuing professional development etc. as well as adhering to the code of ethics and any other requirements of the professional body of which you are a member (at a suitable level).
Psychologists may wish to consider the coaching psychologist accreditation pathway possible through the International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP). More details on the ISCP website.
Coaches (and psychologists) may wish to consider the coach accreditation pathway possible through the Association for Coaching. More details on the AC website.
Our programmes are Approved through the British Psychological Society CPD Quality Mark Scheme for the purposes of continuing professional development and Approved by the International Society for Coaching Psychology and can be used towards becoming ISCP accredited coaching psychologist. We are an organisational member of the Association for Coaching. Our Advanced Diploma in Coaching is Accredited by the Association for Coaching.
Generally, a learner passing one or more of our accredited, approved or recognised courses or programmes is not entitled to use the logo of the professional body in question which accredits, approves or recognises the course or programme unless the person has gained the relevant level of membership of the organisation. Professional bodies usually have specific logos relating to chartered, certified or accredited status of their members. Please visit the professional body websites to find out about their membership criteria and use of their logos.