Centre for Coaching, London, UK
Established in 2001
Providing professional body accredited, approved & recognised training We use the zoom virtual training platform to deliver our programmes

Association for Coaching
The Association for Coaching® (AC) is a leading independent, and not-for-profit professional body dedicated to promoting best practice and raising the awareness and standards of coaching, worldwide. It was founded in 2002.
"Our purpose is to inspire and champion coaching excellence, to advance the coaching profession, and make a sustainable difference to individuals, organizations, and in turn, society."
The AC are an inclusive organization, with members from over 50 countries, made up of professional coaches, training & coaching service providers, internal coaches, and organizations building coaching cultures.
The Centre for Coaching, International Academy for Professional Development is an organisational member. The Association has a Register of Members and a list of qualified coaches. The Association runs training and networking events and publishes a newsletter and journal.
To continue to drive the highest standards in coaching the Association for Coaching offers accreditation of Coach Training programmes. AC Coach Training Accreditation signals to students that a training course meets the AC standard for comprehensive coach training, encompassing the application of the AC Coaching Competency Framework (pdf), works within the Global Code of Ethics for Coaches and Mentors ethical guidelines and provides practical experience. Coach training may be accredited at one of four different levels depending on the length and content of the course, ranging from initial training to advanced programmes for more experienced coaches. Each level of accreditation has specific requirements as outlined in the AC Coach Training Accreditation Overview.
Our centre runs the Advanced Diploma in Coaching which is an Association for Coaching Accredited Diploma in Coach Training. Our Certificate in Coaching course is also recognised by the AC for the purposes of CPD.
Our Director, Professor Stephen Palmer, is an Honorary Fellow and former President of the Association for Coaching.